
The Federal Government is Concerned About the Disruptive Effects of ‘Deepfakes’

Lawmakers in the federal government are worried about the potential negative impacts of “deepfakes” created using artificial intelligence. These deepfakes, which can include manipulated audio, images, and videos, have the capacity to deceive people, increase instances of fraud, and pose national security threats.

The House Oversight and Accountability Committee recently delved into the possible repercussions of proliferating deepfakes and explored ways to prevent them from causing disruptions in the lives of American citizens.

Rep. Nancy Mace, a Republican from South Carolina, highlighted the real-world consequences of deepfakes, citing instances where AI-generated clips circulated on social media, only to be later proven as inauthentic.

President Biden has taken action in this area by signing an executive order focused on mitigating potential risks associated with AI technology. The order was shaped with input from former President Barack Obama, who has expressed concerns about the misuse of deepfakes.

While Mr. Obama advocates for tolerance of deepfakes aimed at political satire, he also emphasizes the need for new regulations to prevent malicious use targeting private individuals, especially children.

Establishing clear boundaries for deepfake content proves to be a challenging task, as what one person sees as satire, another may view as disinformation.

Concerns about the impact of deepfakes extend beyond government circles, with the American Association of Political Consultants condemning the use of AI deepfake technology and establishing a policy against its use.

As the 2024 election season approaches, the potential influence of deepfake content on political campaigns is a growing concern, with instances of manipulated videos already surfacing.

Congress is actively evaluating various proposals to regulate new AI tools, and the Senate Rules Committee is particularly focused on AI’s potential effects on elections.

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