
ISRO Chief on Chandrayaan-3 Mission: “If Vikram Lander Wishes to Wake Up, Let It Wake Up”

ISRO, the Indian Space Research Organisation, is embarking on a series of upcoming missions after the successful Moon landing achieved by the Chandrayaan-3 mission and the Vikram lander. These missions include plans to explore Mars, Venus, and the Moon again, as well as the much-awaited first human spaceflight program. ISRO is also prioritizing missions dedicated to studying Earth’s climate and weather conditions.

During a press briefing in Chennai, ISRO Chairman S. Somanath provided insights into the Chandrayaan-3 mission and the Vikram Lander. When asked about the status of the Vikram lander, which landed on the Moon on August 23, Somanath explained that the lander had successfully completed its tasks during its lunar day and is currently resting on the Moon. He mentioned, “Maybe if it wishes to wake up, let it wake up. Until then, we will wait.”

ISRO’s Multiple Missions

One significant milestone for ISRO is the Gaganyaan program, which aims to send Indian astronauts into space. Somanath announced that the maiden TV-D1 test flight for this program is scheduled for October 21. He also highlighted ISRO’s plans to explore Mars, Venus, and the Moon again in the future.

Besides these celestial missions, ISRO is actively working on various scientific missions. This includes the development of communication and remote-sensing satellites, as well as scientific inquiries into aeronomy, thermal imaging, and climate change impact assessment.

Regarding the Aditya-L1 mission, Somanath mentioned that the instruments will be switched on, and the spacecraft will start streaming scientific data. Currently, the mission is healthy and on track to reach the Lagrange point L1, located around 1.5 million kilometers from Earth, by mid-January. Aditya-L1’s objective is to observe the Sun from this unique vantage point, providing valuable insights into solar activity and space weather.

Somanath highlighted that ISRO’s work encompasses both groundbreaking exploration missions and routine satellite launches and scientific endeavors.

Perspective: ISRO’s dedication to space exploration and its ambitious agenda for future missions showcase India’s growing presence in space technology. From successful Moon landings to upcoming Mars and Venus explorations, ISRO is pushing the boundaries of scientific knowledge and expanding humanity’s understanding of the cosmos. The inclusion of missions studying Earth’s climate and weather conditions demonstrates the agency’s commitment to environmental research and its role in addressing global challenges. ISRO’s progress in these endeavors is a testament to India’s capabilities in space science and a source of inspiration for future generations of scientists and astronauts.

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