
Bengaluru Residents Demand ‘Work From Road’ to Combat Traffic Horror – News18

Last Updated: May 16, 2023, 19:38 IST

The traffic was caused by a fallen tree.

With vehicles clogging the roads from all directions, the morning rush hour resulted in a massive traffic jam that lasted for hours.

Numerous commuters found themselves stranded in a nightmarish traffic jam in Bengaluru on Tuesday morning, prompting many to abandon their vehicles or return home. The cause of this chaos was a fallen tree that had resulted from a truck collision on the Outer Ring Road (ORR) in Bengaluru. The city’s authorities advised commuters to take alternative routes until the traffic situation was resolved.

Social media was flooded with expressions of disappointment from frustrated commuters stuck in the traffic. The morning rush hour compounded the massive jam, which left many questioning the city’s broken traffic management system. Some commuters decided to turn back or even abandoned their vehicles in the middle of the road.

Expressing frustration, one local resident wrote, “If traffic police focused on managing traffic instead of hiding behind trees or pillars to collect fines, such incidents would not occur.”

Another Twitter user commented, “I am surprised that getting stuck in immovable traffic for over 150 minutes to cover a 15-18 km distance is considered normal in Bangalore. We easily get used to it, I suppose. Just sad!”

Many highlighted that such incidents occur frequently in the city, causing significant inconvenience to commuters. One individual stated, “This happens regularly, and the police do almost nothing to prevent it. Bangalore loses so much human potential when people spend hours commuting to work. I am absolutely exhausted. How can Bangalore’s traffic situation be improved?”

A frustrated commuter urged authorities to take swift action, stating, “We have been stuck at the HSR flyover for the past 40 minutes, and there has been no improvement. Are you planning a surprise party for us here? Because we are not amused. Please do something before we turn into fossils.”

One Twitter user couldn’t believe that a fallen tree could bring the entire city’s traffic system to a halt. They said, “I can’t believe that this is all it took this morning. I hope no lives were lost due to a blocked ambulance or something. This could easily happen again tomorrow. It’s a tragic situation in BLR.”

Another commuter mentioned that they had left home early to avoid traffic but still ended up getting stuck. They wrote, “When you leave home at 8 am to avoid traffic but have only moved 1 kilometer in the last 90 minutes.”

Yet another person revealed, “I covered 2 km in 2 hours, and eventually had to walk back home. Meanwhile, fellow travelers came up with a golden rule: Carry your breakfast, lunch, and snacks from now on. Who knows when you might have to literally work from the road. It’s a new era after working from the office and working from home.”

One more added, “I barely covered a kilometer in the last hour. It’s both amusing and terrible. Some people actually left their bikes in the middle of the road.”

Most of the complaints revolved around the delayed response of the authorities in resolving the issue.

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