
Russia Imposes Restrictions on Gasoline and Diesel Fuel Exports

Russia has announced a ban on the exports of gasoline and diesel fuel in an effort to stabilize domestic prices and improve the country’s fuel supply. The government decree did not specify an end date for these restrictions, but they are expected to be temporary.

This move is likely to result in increased fuel prices on the global market. Russia exports approximately 900,000 barrels of diesel fuel per day and 60,000-100,000 barrels of gasoline daily, according to state news agency Tass.

Following the announcement of the ban, domestic fuel prices in Russia dropped by about 4%, according to Tass.

It’s important to note that this ban will not apply to other countries in the Moscow-led Eurasian Economic Union trading bloc, including Armenia, Belarus, Kyrgyzstan, and Kazakhstan.

Russia’s decision to impose restrictions on gasoline and diesel fuel exports reflects the government’s efforts to stabilize fuel prices within the country. The temporary ban aims to address rising domestic prices and ensure an adequate fuel supply for Russian citizens. However, this move could have implications on the global market, potentially leading to increased fuel prices internationally. It remains to be seen how long these restrictions will be in place and their long-term impact on Russia’s fuel industry.

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