
4 Notable Social Media Trends to Look Out for in 2023

Social media usage behaviors are always changing, sometimes in subtle ways that take a while to become obvious, but sometimes in fast-moving shifts that rapidly become the norm. Short-form video, popularized by TikTok, has quickly become the key trend in social media engagement, and is now the fastest-growing content format in most apps. This shift has also led to a change in how people use social media platforms, with a focus on entertainment rather than personal connection. Users are now more hesitant to share personal updates in public and are instead creating more intimate DM groups while using their social feeds to discover and consume content.

These major shifts are transforming the social media landscape, and it’s crucial for social media marketers to stay aware of these changes. In addition to these shifts, there are other notable trends to watch out for in 2023. Let’s take a look at some recent polls and how they relate to these evolving trends.

A disclaimer: Polls on social apps can be biased towards the platform you’re running them on. However, they can still reflect broader trends, depending on the context.

1. More people are using LinkedIn, more often

In a recent poll on LinkedIn, the majority of respondents claimed to be using the app “more” or “a lot more” this year. This aligns with LinkedIn’s own data insights, which reported a 41% year-over-year increase in the sharing of original content within the app.

LinkedIn has been doing something right, attracting more users and engagement. It may also be benefiting from communities migrating away from other platforms. This trend highlights the growing importance of LinkedIn as a professional networking and content-sharing platform.

2. X’s name change remains unpopular, while advertisers remain wary

In a poll on Twitter, users were asked about their in-app experience on X (formerly known as Twitter). While some users reported a worse experience, the majority indicated that their experience has either improved or remained the same this year. However, it’s worth noting that users still predominantly associate the app with “Twitter” rather than its new name, highlighting the ongoing challenge of rebranding.

Furthermore, most brands are still hesitant to advertise on X, which aligns with Elon Musk’s statement about a decline in brand spend on the platform. Controversial personal stances and changing moderation approaches have made marketers cautious. It will be interesting to see if X can overcome these challenges and diversify its income streams.

In a LinkedIn poll, Instagram emerged as the most popular app among respondents. This popularity is surprising considering the potential platform bias of such polls. Instagram’s success can be attributed to its replication efforts, such as the introduction of Stories, which dented Snapchat’s growth. Even with the rise of TikTok, many Instagram users have stayed loyal to the app.

While replicating features may be seen as a cheap tactic, it has proven effective in retaining users. Instagram’s feature, Reels, has helped keep user groups aligned with the platform. However, it’s important to consider your target audience when deciding between marketing on Instagram or TikTok.


These polls indicate smaller engagement shifts within social media and can provide valuable insights for end-of-year planning. While they may not represent major trends like the shift to social entertainment, they underscore the importance of staying up-to-date with the changing social media landscape. It’s essential to consider the audience and context when interpreting poll results.

At WealthNationUSA, we believe that understanding social media trends and adapting strategies accordingly is crucial for businesses to thrive in the digital age. By keeping a pulse on these evolving trends, marketers can effectively engage their target audience and achieve their goals.

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