
post Elon Musk Should Not Be Exempt From Testifying About Former Twitter Post – U.S.

The U.S. government believes that Elon Musk should not be exempt from testifying about a former Twitter post. The government argues that Musk has “first-hand knowledge” of the conduct being investigated and should not be immune from testifying. This includes decisions he made since acquiring the company, such as mass layoffs and hasty product launches, which could be in violation of a government order.

The company, now called X Corp., had filed a motion in July for a protective order that would prevent Musk from testifying about the company and seeking relief from its consent order with the Federal Trade Commission. In response to this, the U.S. Department of Justice stated that X’s request is “meritless” and that Musk’s knowledge and involvement in the company’s conduct make him a key witness.

The Federal Trade Commission had raised concerns about the sudden changes that occurred at the company after Musk took over. These changes included mass layoffs, product malfunctions, and issues with data access controls. The FTC had every reason to seek information about whether the company was still complying with the order.

Musk’s takeover of Twitter in October 2022 prompted an investigation by the FTC into his mass layoffs and internal communications. Twitter had already paid a penalty for violating a consent order in May 2022, and the company’s filing seeks relief from the consent order, claiming that the FTC’s investigation has gone out of control.

The government argues that the FTC’s investigation is necessary to ensure that user data is properly protected during the company’s transformation under Musk’s leadership. Former employees have testified about a chaotic environment at the company and have raised questions about Musk’s commitment to security and privacy.

In conclusion, the U.S. government believes that Elon Musk should not be exempt from testifying about a former Twitter post, as he has first-hand knowledge of the conduct being investigated and is a key witness.

Representatives for X have not responded to a request for comment.

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