
News18: French Village Uses Bizarre Drawings to Curb Speeding

Last Updated: August 26, 2023, 19:22 IST

The lines aim to create a visual disturbance to encourage people to slow down and stay within the speed limit. (Representative Image)

The authorities have drawn zig-zag lines on roads to slow down the drivers and the idea is reportedly working well.

When it comes to reducing speeding, the typical methods are speed cameras and bumpy roads. However, in the village of Baune near Angers, France, the authorities are trying something completely different. Instead of the usual approaches, they have opted for wavy, zig-zag white lines painted on the road. This unconventional tactic has proven to be effective in slowing down drivers and keeping them within the speed limit.

The mayor of Baune, Audrey Revereault, explains that the purpose of these artistic road markings is to create a visual disturbance that encourages people to slow down.

At a crucial junction where three different roads meet, these peculiar lines can be seen. While some locals might find them confusing, the mayor assures that they are successfully accomplishing their goal of reducing speeding, according to The Connexion.

But why this unconventional approach? It turns out that drivers in the area were regularly breaking speed limits, sometimes going three times faster than they should at this particular junction. Despite the posted speed limit of just 30 km/h, vehicles in this area were reaching speeds of up to 100 km/h. The wavy lines are designed to surprise drivers and make them lift their feet off the gas pedal while paying closer attention to the road. Although they may appear unusual, the village assures that they are safe and not meant to confuse drivers.

However, not everyone in the village is convinced that this is the right solution. Some residents remain skeptical about the long-term effectiveness of this unique approach.

Despite the doubts, Mayor Audrey Revereault is confident that the artistic road markings are working. They are effectively keeping drivers within the speed limit. Jean-Charles Prono, the mayor of Loire-Authion, which includes Baune, mentioned that people in the region tend to drive too fast, and it is challenging to make them slow down. The aim is to “make it difficult to read the landscape,” he explained to The Connexion.

The effectiveness of this method in ensuring that drivers follow the speed limit is still being tested. While speed bumps were considered as an alternative, concerns about noise issues for the local residents arose. For now, the village of Baune has chosen the wavy lines as a unique way to keep their roads safe. Only time will tell if these artistic road markings become a common sight at more road junctions.

Unique Perspective: Encouraging Road Safety through Art

The use of artistic road markings in the village of Baune near Angers, France, is a creative and innovative approach to reducing speeding. By painting wavy, zig-zag white lines on the roads, the authorities aim to visually disrupt drivers and prompt them to slow down and adhere to the speed limit. This artistic intervention not only serves its purpose but also adds an element of surprise and intrigue to the mundane experience of driving. It challenges conventional methods of road safety and shows that sometimes, unconventional solutions can yield positive results. This initiative by the village of Baune highlights the importance of thinking outside the box and embracing creativity in promoting road safety.

Note: This article has been rewritten by a paraphrasing software.

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