
Twitter Loses Block Feature, Twitch Gains More Powerful Functionality

In a controversial move, Elon Musk announced on Twitter that the blocking feature will be removed, sparking debates among users who are concerned about the potential impact on their safety. While Twitter takes away users’ ability to block others, Twitch, a popular streaming platform, is taking the opposite approach. Recent reports suggest that Twitch is introducing a new and more powerful blocking feature that will allow streamers to completely block users, preventing them from even watching their streams.

The announcement of Twitch’s new blocking feature was made during the Patch notes E20 stream. Trevor Fisher, Twitch’s senior project manager, acknowledged users’ demand for stronger bans and introduced the new feature, stating that it had been highly requested by the community.

Twitch Enhances Blocking Feature

It’s important to note that Twitch has had a blocking feature in place for years, but it was limited to chat blocking. This meant that blocked users could still watch streams but couldn’t comment. However, many streamers and users felt that this was insufficient, as it allowed blocked users to continue following streamers and find other ways to engage with them.

The new blocking feature on Twitch aims to provide streamers with a stronger option to keep certain users away. Although it’s not an IP blocking feature, which would prevent users from accessing the platform altogether, it is expected to be more effective in deterring unwanted interactions.

Possible Removal of Twitter’s Block Feature

Elon Musk’s recent reply on Twitter sparked speculation that the platform might eliminate its blocking feature. Musk stated that the block would be deleted as a “feature,” except for direct messages, noting that it made no sense. This is not the first time Musk has raised concerns about the blocking feature. He previously argued that blocking public posts should be replaced with a more robust form of muting and criticized the negative impact of mass-blocking campaigns on Twitter’s recommendation system.

Unique Perspective:

The divergence between Twitter and Twitch in their handling of blocking features reveals different strategies to address user safety and control over interactions. While Twitter’s decision to remove the block feature has raised concerns about the platform’s ability to combat harassment and protect users, Twitch is actively enhancing its blocking functionality to empower streamers and create a more secure streaming environment. These differing approaches highlight the importance of platforms prioritizing user safety and innovation in developing solutions to combat online abuse.

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